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Virginia was a heavily populated state and New Jersey was not. Virginia proposed congressional representation based upon population; New Jersey proposed equal representation of all states regardless of population.

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Q: How did farmers of Virginia and New Jersey plan to propose to decide on the number of representatives in congress?
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Did the Virginia Plan propose representation in Congress based on population?


What The Virginia plan propose a congress composed of?

Senate, House of repersetive

Who proposes amendments to the Missouri Constitution?

The everyday citizens of Missouri propose the amendments by appealing to their representatives of congress.

Which branch of government can impose and collect taxes?

Only the House of Representatives can propose tax laws. The House of Representatives is part of the legislative branch. The House of Representatives combined with the Senate make up Congress. There is a total of 535 members in Congress.

Which house of Congress can propose tax bills?

Answerthe house of representatives

What branch of the federal government is able to propose an admenment?

2/3 of congress (made up of the house of representatives and the senate) proposes an amendment

Who can propose a tax law?

Article 1 lays out the duties of the legislative branch. Section 7 says that all bills for creating taxes must originate in the House of Representatives. It also says the Senate has to concur and can suggest amendments as they can on other bills.

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There are only two groups that can propose an amendment to the US Constitution. These groups include the state legislatures and congress.

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Bills must be introduced by members of Congress (and, in the case of bills requiring expenditures, by members of the House of Representatives). The President must persuade a member of Congress to introduce any legislation that the President wants.

What plan did William Patterson propose?

He proposed the New Jersey (Paterson) Plan. It counteracted the Virginia plan by saying that all states should have an equal vote in congress. If the number of representatives was based off of population like the Virginia plan suggested, small states would be swallowed up by larger states. The small states would lose their voice in the government.

What entity holds all the legislative power under the constitution?

The legislative branch, comprised of the Congress (House of Representatives and Senate), holds all legislative power under the Constitution in the United States.

What are the three powers of congress?

The congress is made up of 2 houses; the house of representatives and the senate. Each house have different powers. The house of representatives can impeach the president and propose tax laws. The senate can decide whether the president is guilty or innocent, approve presidential appointments, and approve treaties with foreign countries. Both houses can propose laws, declare war, override the president veto with 2/3 vote, and can propose amendments to the constitution with 2/3 veto. Hoped this help :)