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Aborigines were resourceful people who extracted a variety of colours from their natural environment.

They obtained red, orange, dark purple, brown and orange from grinding ochre to a powder. Ochre was found naturally in rock stained by iron, which would give it the reddish hues.

Yellow was obtained by mixing clay, or by collecting pebbles that contained a limonite-stained form of kaolin.

White also came from the kaolin, or even white clays. Calcite, a chalky mineral, as well as ash are used to make white pigments. Calcite occurs naturally in calcrete deposits.

Black was obtained from charcoal, and could be mixed with kaolin to make grey.

Dark green was made from plant colourings.

Tree bark, crushed shells and blood also gave variety of colour. The availability of some colours are peculiar to the area that the artist finds himself in.

These paint bases were mixed with fluids such as saliva, blood, tree sap or yolk of various birds' eggs to help them adhere.
Aborigines used a variety of natural materials to make colours:

  • Rocks and earth
  • clays stained by iron make red, yellow and orange pigments, which are called called ochres
  • Calcite, a chalky mineral, as well as ash are used to make white pigments. Calcite occurs naturally in calcrete deposits.
  • charcoal is used for the black pigment. The availability of some colours are peculiar to the area that the artist finds himself in.
  • Plant colourings
  • tree bark
  • blood
  • Crushed Shell
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8y ago
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12y ago

The indigenous people of Australia were resourceful people who extracted a variety of colours from their natural environment.

They obtained red, orange, dark purple, brown and orange from grinding ochre to a powder. Ochre was found naturally in rock stained by iron, which would give it the reddish hues.

Yellow was obtained by mixing clay, or by collecting pebbles that contained a limonite-stained form of kaolin.

White also came from the kaolin, or even white clays. Calcite, a chalky mineral, as well as ash are used to make white pigments. Calcite occurs naturally in calcrete deposits.

Black was obtained from charcoal, and could be mixed with kaolin to make grey.

Dark green was made from plant colourings.

Tree bark, crushed shells and blood also gave variety of colour. The availability of some colours are peculiar to the area that the artist finds himself in.

These paint bases were mixed with fluids such as saliva, blood, tree sap or yolk of various birds' eggs to help them adhere.

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13y ago

Aborigines were resourceful people who made their painting by extracting a variety of colours from their natural environment.

They obtained red, orange, dark purple, brown and orange from grinding ochre to a powder. Ochre was found naturally in rock stained by iron, which would give it the reddish hues. Yellow was obtained by mixing clay, or by collecting pebbles that contained a limonite-stained form of kaolin. White also came from the kaolin, or even white clays. Calcite, a chalky mineral, as well as ash are used to make white pigments. Calcite occurs naturally in calcrete deposits. Black was obtained from charcoal, and could be mixed with kaolin to make grey. Dark green was made from plant colourings. Tree bark, crushed shells and blood also gave variety of colour. These paint bases were mixed with fluids such as saliva, blood, tree sap or yolk of various birds' eggs to help them adhere.

Twigs, fibres and fingers were used for painting to get different strokes like a paint brush.

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15y ago

Australian aborigines painted stories of the dreamtime. They had the resources and a reason to paint so they did.

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9y ago

Eating poo

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Q: How did aborigines make different paint pigments?
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What did the Australian aborigines use to make paint?

Aborigines used a variety of natural materials to make colours:Rocks and earthclays stained by iron make red, yellow and orange pigments, which are called called ochresCalcite, a chalky mineral, as well as ash are used to make white pigments. Calcite occurs naturally in calcrete deposits.charcoal is used for the black pigment. The availability of some colours are peculiar to the area that the artist finds himself in.Plant colouringstree barkbloodCrushed Shell