

Best Answer

He fought several battles to capture Mexico City:

  • Battle of Contreras - Aug 19
  • Battle of Churubusco - Aug 20
  • Battle of Molino del Rey - Sep 8
  • Battle of Chapultepec - Sep 13
  • Battle of Mexico City - Sep 13/14
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Q: How did Winfield Scott take over Mexico City?
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What important city in Mexico did United States troops capture in the Mexican American war?

In 1847, US troops under the leadership of General Winfield Scott captured Mexico City. This effectively ended the Mexican War. It was the first time an American flag had flown over the capital of a foreign nation.

What was the outcome of general Winfield Scott's quest to make it to Mexico City?

He is considered to have single-handedly won the Mexican-American War (1846-1848). After capturing Mexico City, the still-existing Mexican representatives were forced to accept the terms of the Guadalupe-Hidalgo Treaty, which included to hand over most of the present-day US' Southwest.

What general took over when Taylor's progress stalled?

Winfield Scott was the other Mexican War hero.

What place was Mexico was built on the remains of what city?

Mexico City (capital of the country Mexico) was built over the remains of the Aztec city of Tenochtitlan.

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What did Herman Cortes build over Tenochtitlan?

The conquistador Hernán Cortés built the city of Mexico City (proper name "Ciudad de México) in order to erase all traces of the Aztec rule.

Who was involed in the Mexican American War?

President James Polk. General Winfield Scott. General Zachary Taylor. General Stephen W. Kearny with a supporting cast of about 78,000 troops. Santa Anna and about 40,000 troops.

When did the US take over New Mexico?

The American Army occupied Mexico City in about 1848. The commander of that army was Gen Winfield Scott, who was assigned to be Governer-General of Mexico until a state department person took over a few months later.

What city did Cortez build over Tenochtitlan?

Mexico City

What city was built over Tenochtitlan?

That would be Mexico City.

What city was Mexico City built over?

A huge lake

Did Stephen Kearney take over Mexico city?

No. He took over New Mexico during the Mexican-American War (1846-1848) and was appointed as governor of Mexico City while the occupation of Mexico lasted.