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peace marches, demonstrations, and acts of civil disobedience.

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Q: How did US citizens show their sentiment against US participation in the Vietnam war?
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What was an argument Against the military draft during the Vietnam War?

It had an unfair impact on poorer citizens.

How did Australians citizens react to the Vietnam War?

Some were for our part in the Vietnam war and some against however by the time we left the war most were against it and it had a lot to do with the downfall of the liberal country party coalition of the day.

Why were politicians under pressure during the Vietnam War?

Government policy called for a stop to the global growth of communism, while public sentiment disagreed with the loss of American lives in Vietnam. So while the government desired to 'win' against communism, growing pressure from the public (votes) wanted to pull out from Vietnam.

What was the Vietnam War against?

Against Communist North Vietnam's take over of the Republic of South Vietnam.

Did the Vietnam War have the approval of most of the citizens of the US?

No way. Many people were against the war and protested it. in fact, there are many songs from the 60s that are about protesting the war.

Richard Nixon was for or against the Vietnam war?

Richard Nixon was against the Vietnam War!

When was Vietnam Veterans Against the War created?

Vietnam Veterans Against the War was created in 1967.

Who was America fighting against in Vietnam?

America fought against North Vietnam, in an unsuccessful attempt to defeat its invasion and conquest of South Vietnam.

When can soldiers be quartered in citizens home against the citizens will?

They can never be quartered in citizen homes against the citizens wills.

When can soldiers be quartered in citizens homes against the citizens wills?

They can never be quartered in citizen homes against the citizens wills.

How did the American war with South Vietnam end?

The United States didn't fight against South Vietnam in fact they were allies fighting against North Vietnam.

When was American Writers Against the Vietnam War created?

American Writers Against the Vietnam War was created in 1965.