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As a consequence of World War II when Romania was occupied by troops of Soviet Union (August 1944). See also:http:/

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7y ago

Of USSR influence. Soviet communist party helped Bulgarian Communist party to come to power in 1944

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Communism reached the end of the road. Progress was not possible for the future. Personality cult mind huge population. Deprivation were always more and more higher.

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2y ago

It didn’t. Communism means no classes, no government, no money, no borders, no poverty.

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Their people and politicians liked it

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Q: How did Czechoslovakia become a communist country?
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When did Czechoslovakia become a communist country?

In 1948, shortly after World War Two ended.

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How was the post war government of France different from that of Czechoslovakia?

France, a NATO country, had a democratic government. Czechoslovakia, a member of the Warsaw Pact, had a communist government.

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How were the postwar governments and alliances of France different from those of Czechoslovakia?

Answer this question… France, a NATO country, had a democratic government. Czechoslovakia, a member of the Warsaw Pact, had a communist government.

When did Communist Party of Czechoslovakia end?

Communist Party of Czechoslovakia ended in 1992.

When did Young Communist League of Czechoslovakia end?

Young Communist League of Czechoslovakia ended in 1936.

When was Young Communist League of Czechoslovakia created?

Young Communist League of Czechoslovakia was created in 1921.

When was Communist Party of Czechoslovakia created?

Communist Party of Czechoslovakia was created on 1921-05-16.

In 1968 which country revolted against their communist rulers?

Czechoslovakia A+ users

What role did Czechoslovakia play in the Soviet Union?

Czechoslovakia was not a part of the Soviet Union. It was amongst of the other countries that were part of the Warsaw Pact and it was a communist country.

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