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He got a violent case of rabies off of one of his horses !

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13y ago

13th September 1598 age 42

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September 13, 1598 (aged 70)

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Q: How did Phillip 2 of Spain die?
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Where is Phillip king of Spain from?

he is from Spain

What were some of the achievements of Philip 2?

Please specify which Phillip II you are referring to. Phillip II of Macedon, of France, of Navarre (who was also Phillip V of France), of Spain, or of Portugal?

Is there any good things bloody Mary did?

Mary married king of Spain (king Phillip 2) to make peace with Spain.

Where was Phillip ii from?

Phillip II was from Valladolid Spain. Type your answer here...

Who was King of Spain and Portugal 1598 to 1621?

Phillip III of Spain also ruled Portugal from 1598 to 1621 as Phillip II of Portugal.

Why was king phillip of Spain mad at England?

queen isabelle of England met king phillip in the middle of the ocean and took Spain's spices.

When did Phillip Borsos die?

Phillip Borsos died on February 2, 1995, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada of leukemia.

Where was Philip II from?

Phillip was born in Spain.

Who is queen Mary first husbands?

Mary 1st married Phillip prince of Spain at sometime when she was Queen of England.

Who took over after Philip II of Spain died?

Phillip III inherited from Phillip II.

Was Philip II bow legged?

No King Phillip II of Spain was not bow legged. King Phillip II of Spain was briefly married to Mary I of England.

Whose relative is Phillipp II?

Phillip II married Bloody Mary, Elizabeth I half - sister. Phillip was also known as Prince Phillip of Spain. Mary's mother was Spanish princess Catherine of Aragon, who was the only daughter of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain, so Mary had links back to Spain and Phillip II.