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Penelope , the wife of Odysseus , awaited the arrival of her husband weaving a tapestry and , to thwart her suitors , unraveled this same tapestry at night because she had promised to marry once the tapestry was completed .

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What does Penelope ask the suitors to do?

Wait for her to finish weaving

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What instructions does Odysseus give to Penelope while he was away visiting his father?

Odysseus instructs Penelope to wait for him and to guard their home in his absence. He also warns her not to remarry and assures her that he will return to her soon.

Does telemachus want Penelope to marry a suitor?

No, Telemachus does not want Penelope to marry a suitor. He is protective of his mother and wants her to wait for the return of his father, Odysseus. Telemachus believes that his father is still alive and will eventually come back home.

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Is it true before leaving for the Trojan war Odysseus had told Penelope to remarry when Telemachus could grow a beard?

Yes, Odysseus did tell Penelope to remarry once their son Telemachus could grow a beard. This was a way of ensuring that Penelope would wait for him during his long absence at the Trojan War, knowing that Telemachus would be a grown man by the time he returned.

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Penelope Lively's birth name is Penelope Margaret.

What was the task Penelope placed for the suitors?

It was Penelope

What does A Penelope mean in Greek mythology?

A Penelope refers to the wife of Odysseus, who remained home while he was off fighting in the Trojan War. She was a very good wife; though many suitors pursued her, she never gave in, and she tricked them all so that she could wait for Odysseus to return home to her.

What is the birth name of Penelope Forrester?

Penelope Forrester's birth name is Penelope Ann Forrester.

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Penelope Wilton's birth name is Penelope Alice Wilton.