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Did you know that Imperialism is what led to the killing of 1.7 million citizens of Cambodia? Believe it or not, it's true! During the 19th and 20th century Cambodia was ruled by French, Japanese, and Khmer Rouge imperialism, which has caused Cambodia to have a genocide that caused much Immigration and death. The French introduced Communism, which led to Khmer Rouge executing any smart Cambodian they could lay their hands on. To find out why and how, continue to read this essay on imperialism in Cambodia.

In 1863, Cambodia under king Norodom became a protectorate of France. What it means to be a protectorate is to be a weak state under a much stronger state, or in this case a country. The reason the French signed to take over Cambodia was because they were afraid the Siamese would expand too fast (and far), so they signed weakening the Siamese protection. The first French rule was fairly peaceful, until it ended in WWII because Japan took over. Though in 1946 (about 4 years later) the French went back to Cambodia and brought Communism with them. After much struggle Cambodia eventually won their independence in 1953. Cambodia would never be ruled by France again.

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Q: How did France have an impact on Cambodia?
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