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Q: How did Events in Greece and Czechoslovakia effect US policy?
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What policy led to the fall of Czechoslovakia to the Germans?


Which policy did France and Great Britain follow by allowing Hitler to annex the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia in 1938?

The policy of appeasement.

How did the appeasement policy end in the 1930s?

Hitler broke the Munich Agreement and invaded Czechoslovakia.

What policy allowed Germany to annex part of Czechoslovakia?

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The British and the French following an appeasement policy thought that if they satisfied Hitler's political ambitions, they could avoid war. So, they allowed Hitler to annex the Sudetenland (part of Czechoslovakia, with mostly German inhabitants). Soon Hitler occupied the all Czechoslovakia in 1939. (Before that Austria was annexed too in the Anschluss, in 1938). There was nobody who opposed Hitler's ambitions. And he knew taht. However, after Hitler occupied the whole of Czechoslovakia, Britain and France replaced the appeasement policy by guarantees to Romania, Greece and Poland. Consequently, when Hitler invaded Poland (1 Sept), Britain and France declared war on Germany (3 Sept). (Unfortunalely that was just a declaration, but no armies were sent to hel the Polish - this period was called the 'phoney war'. )

When some European leaders agreed to Hitlers demands concerning Czechoslovakia in 1938 they were supporting a policy of?


What does the policy of appeasement refer to?

The policy of appeasement refers to Hitler saying at the Munich conference that he would not invade any more of Europe after Czechoslovakia. It failed, obviously.

Who was the English Prime Minister who followed a policy of appeasement and allowed Hitler to take part of Czechoslovakia was?

Neville Chamberlaine

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What has the author Felix John Vondracek written?

Felix John Vondracek has written: 'The foreign policy of Czechoslovakia, 1918-1935'

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