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The prophecy was that one of Cronos' children would one day over throw him. So as soon as each of his children were born, Cronos ate them. being gods and goddesses they couldn't die and just grew and developed inside Cronos. Cronos' wife (and also sister) Rhea became irritated with Cronos eating her children, so she devised a plan. She was expecting another child, which she felt sure would be a boy. So when he was born she hid him in a dark part of the world where she was sure Cronos did not know about. Then, she went back home for the next part of her plan. She wrapped a rock in blankets, and hugged it to her chest pretending to breast feed it, all the while singing a lullaby. Next, who else but Cronos comes walking in snatches the rock/baby from her and swallows it. Rhea then retrieved her baby, which she had named Zeus, from his hiding place and gave him to a farmer and his wife to raise and keep safe. She promised their livestock such as their cows and sheep would not be eaten by wolves. Years later Rhea grieved, wanting her son back. She then brought him home, introducing him as the new wine bearer. Cronos thought the boy was beautiful so he thought it okay. Zeus and his mother later devised a plan to rid his siblings from the inside of Cronos. Zeus gave Cronos a drink mixture that cause Cronos to have stomach pains. Cronos complaining of his stomach hurting finally threw up. First came the rock then all of Zeus' siblings. Zeus then overthrew Cronos in a war with the help of his cousins, the cyclops and the hundred-hand ones who Cronos had locked up in a mountain years before. Zeus the became the king of the gods. He also married his sister Hera (I guess it runs in the family).

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