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Connecticut was designated the "Constitution State" by the General Assembly in 1959. As early as the 19th Century, John Fiske, a popular historian from Connecticut, made the claim that the Fundamental Orders of 1638/39 were the first written constitution in history. Some contemporary historians dispute Fiske's analysis. However, Simeon E. Baldwin, a former Chief Justice of the Connecticut Supreme Court, defended Fiske's view of the Fundamental Orders in Osborn's History of Connecticut in Monographic Form by stating that "never had a company of men deliberately met to frame a social compact for immediate use, constituting a new and independent commonwealth, with definite officers, executive and legislative, and prescribed rules and modes of government, until the first planters of Connecticut came together for their great work on January 14th, 1638-9." The text of the Fundamental Orders is reproduced in Section I of this volume and the original is on permanent display at the Museum of Connecticut History at the State Library. Connecticut has also been known as the "Nutmeg State", the "Provisions State", and the "Land of Steady Habits".

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Q: How did Connecticut get its nickname The Constitution State?
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Connecticut is the Constitution State.

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Connecticut is the 3rd smallest state and the 48th largest.=Connecticut's nickname is the Constitution State.=

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The Connecticut compromise allowed the Philadelphia Convention of 1787 to continue its effort to create the US Constitution thus the Constitution State nickname is justified for Connecticut. Delaware's nickname of the First State refers to it being the first state to ratify the Constitution and it is also justified.

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Connecticut was officially designated the Constitution State by the General Assembly in 1959. However, it is also known as the Nutmeg State.

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Connecticut is nicknamed the Constitution State as well as the Nutmeg State. Connecticut is named after the Connecticut River, a major U.S. river that approximately bisects the state. Its capital city is Hartford.

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Connecticut was the 5th state. It became a state on February 6, 1788. the nickname of the state is the Constitution State. It was namedfrom an Algonquin word, quinnehtukqut, "beside the long tidal river"

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Connecticut was the first state to have a state constitution.