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In 1867, with the union of three British North American colonies through Confederation, Canada was formed as a federal dominion of four provinces. This began an accretion of additional provinces and territories and a process of increasing autonomy from the United Kingdom, highlighted by the Statute of Westminster in 1931, and culminating in the Canada Act in 1982 which severed the vestiges of legal dependence on the British parliament.

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Q: How did Canada become independent from Great Britain?
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From what country did you become independent?

Great Britain (of which England was a part)

How and when did great Britain gained control of Canada?

France gave it's North American territory to Britain after the Seven Years War in the Treaty of Paris in 1763. Canada, as a country, wasn't created until 1867. It became increasingly independent of Britain over time, and in 1982 the last legal link was dropped and Canada became 100% independent of Britain.

What country was newly independent from Great Britain in 1918?

Canada became totally autonomous from Britain in 1986

Does Canada trade with Great Britain?

Yes, Canada trades with Great Britain.

What ended Canada and Great Britain?

Canada is still around. So is great Britain.

What were the borders of the US upon independence?

When the US became independent, they bordered France (by Louisiana), Spain (by Florida), and Great Britain (by Canada).

Did Canada become independent by asking nicely?

Canada's independence was a matter of mutual agreement with Great Britain. It was a "win-win" situation. -------- The question suggests Canada is independent today, which it is not except for small local matters. Today Canada is a protectorate of the USA and answers to the USA on all major questions of defense, trade and international politics. The USA patrols Canadian airspace and waters and Canada has recently entered into border deals that would see Canada "share" enforcement with the country 10X it's size. Only a Canadian would think of Canada as independent. As for Confederation, Canada did not have to ask, in fact Britain had been pushing for Canada to defend itself and become independent many decades before Confederation. Britain was also quick to give over to Canada all other territories and possessions held by Britain in North America. Britain also supported the purchase of Rupert's Land. It was more a case of being told than asking. Something that upset the Canadian delegation when they witnessed the rapid passing of the British North America Act in the British parliament.

In what year did the colony of Antigua and Barbuda become independent?

Antigua and Barbuda became independent from Great Britain on the 1st of November 1981.

Should America become independent from Great Britain?

yes because u wouldnt want to be under control of a person

Does Canada have a relationship with great Britain?

Yes, Canada and Britain have an excellent relationship.

Canada was originally a what of Great Britain?

Originally a colony, and later a dominion.

Which nation controlled Canada in 1812?

In 1812, both Upper Canada and Lower Canada were British Colonies.