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It is called the Independence of Brazil the process that culminated in the emancipation policy of this country the kingdom of Portugal in the early nineteenth century. Officially, the date is celebrated on September 7, 1822, when the episode was called "Cry of Ipiranga. According to official history on this date, on the banks of the creek Ipiranga (today the city of Sao Paulo), the Prince Regent Peter cried before his entourage: Independence or Death

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13y ago
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13y ago

yes they did through the audacity and courage and nationalism developed the rise of independence and on July 9, 1816 Argentina claimed its independence and on September 17 1822 Brazil gained its independence from Portugal and abolished slavery which had angered the nation as angtagonism and hatred grew in politics

Obama had mainly accounted for ending the war between both nations and settled a very effective peace treaty with martin Luther king jr. and Saddam huessein and they sang together in joy as the nuclear warfare ended when osama bin ladin had interrupted with news about the inglorious basterds taking over Argentina and parts of Brazil and the world had never gained its independence while rpesident bush had enjoyed the pain and suffering

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13y ago

After 52 days of passage, the royal fleet arrived in Bahia. This city, founded in 1549, outside the capital of the colony until 1763, the date marking the transfer of capital to Rio de Janeiro. The royal family was received with many demonstrations of joy and reverence, was the first time that a European monarch visited and chose, in theory so provisionally, a colony as his residence and seat of government. It is said that the Queen, who, as has been said, suffered from mental illness, seeing black slaves to run around and cheer the royal procession, put up screaming, thinking he had come to hell and the devils surrounded ...

The squad then went to his final destination, Rio de Janeiro.

Among the first measures taken by the Prince Regent, authorized the opening of Brazilian ports to vessels of commerce of friendly nations, this is primarily to England ... Thus ended the exclusive colonial linking Brazil to Portugal, and in some ways, Brazil is going to be less colonia ... This measure, obtained by the pressures of government sent from London, was to serve the interests of the British economy, near suffocation due to the continental blockade decreed by Napoleon. British products invaded Brazil, many of these products are useless to the inhabitants, for example overcoats or ice skates ...

D. John authorized the creation of printers, from top schools (but not yet a university), founded the first bank in Brazil, the Botanical Garden of Rio, the nucleus of the National Library of Brazil from 60,000 volumes he had brought from Portugal, etc.

So D. John endowed the Brazil of groups and entities to own a state.

In 1815, a decree elevating Brazil to the rank of kingdom, forming the metropolis with the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarve. The Brazil was no longer a colony, and was treated on a par with Portugal. This constitutes a decisive step towards a political maturity provides a form of autonomy.

This development very rapidly in Brazil, mainly in Rio and visible in large cities reflected the consideration and affection of even the Prince Regent by his American dominions: D. John liked to stay in Brazil, unlike his wife, D. Carlota Joaquina, and many of the Portuguese who had accompanied him, frightened by the tropical climate (hot flashes from November to April or heavy rains) or menosprezantes towards Brazilians and their customs unsophisticated in relation to the royal court or a European city ...

The Rio de Janeiro has now become the new capital of the Portuguese world.

After 1815, the victory of Waterloo and Napoleon's exile on the island of St. Helena, D. John stayed in Brazil, while Portugal, after having been liberated by the British Army of Wellington, was ruled by an English general, Beresford ...

The Prince Regent, now king (Dom), was in no hurry to return to infirm and Portugal met in Brazil a kingdom with continental dimensions, not one corner of Europe that Portugal was always threatened by neighboring powers ... The king launched his army to conquer the current Uruguay, taking advantage of the disturbances that shook the Spanish colonies who fought for independence now. These struggles for independence have spared Brazil, and there were several Republican insurrecções inspiration, especially in Recife in 1817. The repression was brutal: D John VI was still an absolute monarch and did not accept any opposition.

However, it was a liberal revolution in Porto in 1820 that forced the king to return to Portugal: an Assembly of elected members (the Cortes) met in London and demanded the return of the king. The situation is extremely difficult for the reluctant D. John VI: either he did not recognize the courts and decided to stay in Brazil, causing a separation between Portugal and Brazil, or returning to Portugal and that second chance would have the same result as the first ...

It was this last that chose D. John, also pressured by the British government. Before the goodbye, D. John names his eldest son, Prince Pedro, regent of Brazil - which would rule on behalf of his father and king - and, anticipating the imminent independence of Brazil, urges his son to pursue this development and rapidly and inevitably become the head of the new parents would not Within the birth. D. John VI was concerned with the Liberals against the Portuguese, who had already declined the real powers, and did not want the same thing happened in Brazil.

Brazilian deputies participated in the discussions of the Portuguese Cortes in Lisbon, but saw that rapidly, which defended the interests were becoming increasingly alien to the Portuguese MPs. These, mostly from the bourgeois merchant, who traded a lot with Brazil, but just come into crisis since the opening of Brazilian ports to international trade, demanded that Brazil went back to the category of the colony and the colonial exclusive.

Convinced that the regent of Brazil D. Peter was on the side of the Brazilians who are now facing the prospect of a serious independence (it had been created in Brazil during his teenage years), MEPs demand that D. Pedro back to Portugal to "improve their education," a pretext to depart from Brazil and control.

Faced with the ultimatum of Lisbon, D. Peter decides to resist: the first step, the "I" proclamation in which he assures Brazilians would not return to Portugal, and faced repeated threats coming from Lisbon, is the "Grito de Ipiranga": D. Peter, accompanied by a squadron of dragons, near Sao Paulo, Ipiranga by the river, receiving mail from Lisbon. When reading the requirements of the Courts, with loudly proclaims, "Independence or death!". It was on September 7, 1822, now national holiday in Brazil. Shortly thereafter, D. Peter is sacred Emperor of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro Cathedral, inspired by the coronation ceremony of Napoleon in 1804. Brazil has become an empire until 1889, single instance across America.

Portugal tried, with its scarce military resources to regain their colony, but in vain. In 1825, the Portuguese government and the King John VI recognize the independence of Brazil.

The independence of Brazil was somehow the result of the wars of Napoleon in Europe, forcing the Portuguese monarchy into exile in the tropics. The presence of real power in Brazil provided developing a sudden, unexpected and rapid colony, now the center of the Portuguese Empire. Attempts to revolutions were severely repressed, but the imbalance between the contradicções a favored Brazil and Portugal sidelined with sharpness appeared in 1820 with the liberal revolution in Portugal. D. João VI returned to Portugal to guarantee the permanence of the monarchy but to leave his son as regent in Brazil, his plan is to also keep a monarchy in Brazil, and prevent a republic, or worse, some were brought in former republics colony.

Independence was carried out by own son of the king and the monarchy had established imperial remains today the unity of Brazil.

D. Peter I reigned until 1830, the date of his abdication, and his son D. Peter II succeeded him until 1889, the date of the proclamation of the Republic in Brazil, one year after the final abolition of slavery in Brazil ...

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13y ago

It is called the Independence of Brazil the process that culminated in the emancipation policy of this country the kingdom of Portugal in the early nineteenth century. Officially, the date is celebrated on September 7, 1822, when the episode was called "Cry of Ipiranga. According to official history on this date, on the banks of the creek Ipiranga (today the city of Sao Paulo), the Prince Regent Peter cried before his entourage: Independence or Death!.

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10y ago

It had so much sweg it just killed off its oponenets and bam there you go

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14y ago
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13y ago

umm...well Mexico did guerrilla warfare that's all i know

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14y ago

The king declared independence for Brazil , without a fight or war.

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10y ago

They gained independence after a long bitter war between the countries.

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