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A derivation of the real name: Oestereich (check spelling), which I would translate as "eastern realm".

But east of which country? It lies South East from Germany. Is that it?

It is directly East of Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Who knows the history?

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Q: How did Austria get its name?
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Casey Austria's birth name is Casey Anne Austria.

Where does the last name Austria come from?

Austria - 1. Spanish: ethnic name for someone from Austria. 2. Americanized or Latinized form of German Österreich(er) 'Austria(n)'. _______________________________________ Another origin of Austria is that they are from the Philippines. So if your last name is Austria, you are either Austrian, Spanish, German, or Philippine.

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Amy Austria's birth name is Esmeralda Dizon Tuazon.

Is Austria another name for Australia?

No. Austria is a country in Europe.

Where did Austria get its name?

In 996 Austria's German name was first mentioned in a document in a medieval form: "Ostarrichi" of which Österreich is the modern form that is used nowadays. The word Austria is the latinized form of that name.

What is Austria's official name?

In German: Republik Österreich In English: Republic of Austria

Does Australia have the same name origin as Austria?

The word Austria is of Latin origin and this is the same for both Australia and Austria.

Is Wein in Austria?

"Wien" (not "Wein") is the German name for Vienna, the capital of Austria.

What is the German name of Austria?

"Bayern" is the name of this beautiful German state. Which by the way is the largest one.

Is Austria a republic?

yes, the official name is "republic of Austria" (german: "Republik Österreich").

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Name two coposers that came from Austria?

Mozart was born in Salzburg, Austria in 1756 and Schubert was born in Vienna, Austria in 1797.