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Q: How did America expand its borders in the 1800 and?
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Which term describes the position held by many Americans in 1800's that it was Gods will that the US expand its borders?

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The Song Dynasty of China was split into two different dynasties the north and south. It did not however expand its borders. The Tang dynasty did expand its boarders.

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Central America borders South America and Mexico.

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Brazil borders all but two of the countries in South America.

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Atlantic borders the East coast of North America. Pacific borders the West Coast. Arctic borders the North coast.

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Trinidad is an island therefore no country in South America borders it.

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What countries bordering Maine?

Its in America, and it sort of borders with Canada to the north

The beleif that the us had a god given right to expand its borders?

manifest destiny

What gave the US incentive to expand it's borders?

hi my name is bob

What are the continents that borders South America?

North America

What Central America country or countries borders South America or Mexico?

Belize and Guatemala border Mexico.Panama borders South America (Colombia, to be specific).