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According to the building permit section of the Clermont County, Ohio web site

"The frost line is 30 inches below grade."

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Q: How deep is Frost line in Clermont county Ohio?
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The frost line in Ohio is 3ft

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How deep is the frost-line depth in new york state?

Up to July 2008 it was 4' per the NYC Code. I haven't dealt enough with the newly adopted code. I imagine it hasn't changed.

How deep is the frost line in Akron Ohio?

12 inches - I did a lot of house construction in the 60s Correction. Building codes have changed since the 60s. It is actually 36 inches.

What is the Frost line in Cincinnati Ohio?

The frost line in Cincinnati, Ohio is the depth at which the ground freezes during the winter. In Cincinnati, the frost line typically reaches a depth of around 30 to 36 inches. This is important to know for construction purposes, as structures must be built below the frost line to prevent damage from frost heave.

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The frost depth refers to how deeply frost can penetrate into the ground. In Martinsville, Virginia, the frost depth is around 18 inches deep.

How deep is the frost line in Sarajevo?

one metre

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42 inches

How deep is the frost line for Lincoln nebraska?


What is the frost line depth for Box Elder County Utah?

Frostline in Utah (not specifically for Box Elder County) is 30 inches deep. I assume that this is a typical statewide rule of thumb good for most locations but would not apply to very high elevations.