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It is useless trying to be a stock broker in Nepal . I tried it and the reason why i chose not to be is because the Bahuns want money from you every step as a bribe. These Bahuns need to be all deported to Bihar India where their ancestors comes from .

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Q: How can you get registered as a broker in Nepal Stock Exchange?
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Where can you buy and sell stocks?

From an organized stock exchange like BSE, NSE, NASDAQ etc using a registered stock broker

When was Nepal Stock Exchange created?

Nepal Stock Exchange was created in 1992.

Can you buy stock from the stock market?

You have to be a broker with a seat on the exchange to trade stocks on the stock exchange. You can get such a broker to buy and sell for you, but he will charge a commission. There are stocks that you can buy directly and other stocks that are not traded on the exchange and any broker can buy for you,

How do you purchase shares on the London stock exchange?

Through your broker. You can do it through an online broker or through your regular broker. Most brokers allow you to buy shares in the London Stock Exchange these days.

Where do you buy stocks?

In a registered Stock Exchange. ex: Bombay stock exchange or National stock exchange in India

Is When making a purchase for you your broker contacts the sales broker at the stock exchange?

no that's false

Where do you buy stocks from?

From a registered stock exchange. Ex: National Stock Exchange (NSE) & Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) in India

Where can one find a stock market broker in the UK?

One can find a stock market broker in the United Kingdom on the London Stock Exchange website. There is an application on their website where one can find a broker.

What jobs are available at the Prague Stock Exchange?

There are several jobs that available at the Prague Stock Exchange. Trader and Broker is the common jobs that available at the Prague Stock Exchange .

Do I need a stock broker if I'm interested in learning stock options?

No, you do not technically need a stock broker if you are interested in learning stock options but it is highly reccommended that you consult a stock broker before you make a portfolio.

What are the best tips to find a good discount stock broker?

If you are looking for a discount stock broker, then you can try to become your own personal stock broker which will save you a fee on the services. If you are still interested in a stock broker then you should start with smaller stocks in order to help reduce the fees

Is When you call a broker and arrange to buy stock the broker calls a person on the floor of the exchange probably someone who works for your broker's company?

yes it is true