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A rigid class structure

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Q: How can you classify the societies of traditional China feudal Japan and Czarist Russia?
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Was Russia communist during the time of Czarist Russia?

No, it wasn't.

Romanov dynastyfamily ruled which country for 300 years?

Czarist Russia, of course.

Which term best describes the position of Jews in Czarist Russia?

persecuted minority

What coutry is Joseph Stalin from?

Georgian republic= then a part of USSR, when he was younger- Czarist Russia.

How will you describe Russia under the rule of the Czar?

You need to answer this question question because we don’t do homework. You need to describe the Czarist Russia.

How did Lenin came to power in Russia?

Vladimir Lenin came to power via a October Revolution in Russia in 1917, which brought an end to Czarist Russia and started the creation of a Communist State.

What are traditional foods of Russia?

Wheat and potato are some traditional foods of Russia

How was the Russian Revolution of 1905 different from the RussianRevolution of 1917?

The Russian Revolution of 1905 led to limits on the czar's power, but the Russian Revolution of 1917 ended the czarist system altogether.

How long did former factory managers of Czarist Russia remained in their positions in the USSR?

Years after the 1917 Bolshevik revolution, the new communist regime under Stalin forced him to let former Czarist bureaucrats remain in various important positions. A Soviet account published in 1932 states that as high as 50% of former Czarist managers and bureaucrats were still in place.

Who was the first to classify animals?

Charles S. McDaniels of Southeast Russia.

What invading nation occupied Moscow in 1608?

Czarist Russia has always faced dangers. Whether from the South, West or East, many nations have invaded Russia. Surprisingly, the Poles invaded and occupied Moscow from 1608 to 1613.

In the history of events in Russia in the 19th and 20th centuries the slogan one language one church and one ruler refers to a czarist program to bring about .?
