Everyone is useful in their own way and if you feel or if someone tells or seems to not understand you try to explain yourself if you feel the need but at the same time be yourself and you don't owe anyone a explanation.
misunderstood. I have misunderstood your question.
She misunderstood him.
The Misunderstood was created in 1965.
She often felt misunderstood by her colleagues, who didn't appreciate her unique approach to problem-solving.
In the word "misunderstood", mis- and under- are prefixes.
snakes are misunderstood when they are around people, and in peoples houses.
The duration of A Misunderstood Boy is 1020.0 seconds.
The past tense for "misunderstand" is "misunderstood."
you misunderstood me: vous m'avez mal compris
I am not sure But I think this question u should ask yourself because every person got different feeling about it Is thins answer useful Plus answer YES
I spoke slowly and clearly so that I would not be misunderstood.