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Q: How can one become a member of parliament in Ghana?
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If one wants to become a member of The Society of Petroleum Engineers, one can go to the SPE webstie. On the site one can register to become a member.

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Canada is divided into 308 electoral districts (or 'ridings'). Each one has a representative 'MP'. There is no singular Member of Parliament.

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The Upper House in the Queensland Parliament was abolished in 1922.

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Your Member of Parliament should be able to get one for you.

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One can become a member of the Soil Association by calling the Membership Team at 0117 914 2447 or through the official website. One can also donate to the Soil Association if one does not want to become a member.

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Ghana, Mali, and Songhai DID mine gold and salt

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There are many ways one can become a Dell premier member. One can become a Dell premier member by signing up a the official Dell website. Dell premier members are able to customize their own pages.

What is the quorum laid down to constitute a meetng of either of the house of parliament?

one-tenth of the total number of members of that house

How Can a Member of Parliament become a Chief Minister of a State in India?

In order to become a CM of any of the states in India, one must fulfill the following requisites:1) Must be the citizen of India.2) Must have completed 25 year of age.3) Must be the member of any of the houses either in Legislative Assembly or in the Legislative council. (One can become the CM without being the member of any of the houses but after getting elected as the CM he must become the member of any of the houses within a period of 6 months from the date of entering into CM's office, if he fails to become the member of any of the houses within the given time then he has to resign as the CM although he possess required majority in the legislative assembly)If you have any doubts in this regard, then please get back to email id is

What is an MP and how do you become one?

An MP is a Member of Parliament who with other MP's decide which laws should be passed in a country. To become one, your best bet is to study Politics and enter through that way. MP can also stand for military police (officer). To become that kind of MP, join the military and sign up for military police training.