Texas is 266,874 in square miles ,New Jersey is 7,790 in square miles so Texas is 259,084 square miles more than New Jersey.
If Puerto Rico became the 51st US State, Texas would still be the second largest and Puerto Rico would rank #49.
a turkey compared to texas is small
Asking such a question implies a comparative. It is big compared to some countries and small compared to others.
France is roughly the same size as Texas if you include oversea territories. It is midway between California and Texas if you consider mainland France only.
The areas of the two are:Area of Texas: 700,000 km2Area of Greenland: 2,200,000 km2Thus Greenland is slightly more than 3 times as big as Texas,
France is 260,558 sq miles. Nevada is 110,562 sq mi. So France is slightly more than twice as big as Nevada.
Spain is smaller than Texas by about a third. Spain 195,364 Sq. Miles Texas 261,797 Sq. Miles
France's area is about 555,000 sq kilometers. Compared to US states, it is smaller than Texas (very similar if you take the French oversea possessions into account), but larger than California.
Exactly midway between Texas and California (551,695 km2)
Ukraine is bigger than Pennsylvania. It is close in size to Texas.
Ukraine has a surface area of 603,550km2 which is about 70,000km2 smaller than Texas. Ukraine's surface area is about 89% that of Texas' surface area.
The Country of France is 547030 square kilometers, 211209 square milesComparatively Texas is 696241 square kilometers;268820 square miles.
I estimate that the combined surface area of the United Arab Emirates is about 5% that of Texas. Check the CIA World Fact Book. Google it.