The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is 93,000 sq. mi. in land area.
The Kingdom of Denmark (excluding Greenland) is 26,779 square miles. Including Greenland it is 837589 sq.mi.
So UK is 3,4 times bigger than Denmark (or 9 times smaller, depending if you include Greenland or not)
Scotland is slightly larger than Denmark in terms of land area. Scotland covers about 78,769 square kilometers, while Denmark covers about 42,921 square kilometers.
The area ratio is 32,27.
Alaska is much bigger than Denmark. However, Denmark also can include Greenland, which is bigger than Alaska.
The US is 9,826,675 km2. Great Britain (the island) is 229,848 km2. The US is 46 times the size of Great Britain. However, the United Kingdom is sometimes referred to as Great Britain (as this was its name prior to the incorporation of Ireland, and now Northern Ireland). The US is 9,826,675 km2. The UK is 243,610 km2. The US is 40 times the size of the UK.
Yes, Denmark is smaller in terms of land area compared to Wales. Wales covers an area of about 8,000 square miles, while Denmark is around 16,500 square miles.
Yes, for Great Britain.
Compared to Britain America do have bigger meals on on average
In the big cities.
china is easerly bigger all though i dont know by how much
Tea parties and big red buses.
During WWII, the United States formed a alliance along with 3 other countries, this alliance was know as the "big four". Out of the 3 other countries, the closest allie is Great Britain. Great Britain was also a allie of the United States during WWI.