Canada is larger than China in terms of area.
Canada - 9,984,670 km2
China - 9,596,961 km2
However, China is much larger in terms of population.
China - 1,3336,718,015
Canada - 34,030,589
Canada is larger than the US
which of the following statements describes why there is rel;atively littile urban sprawl in canada compared for the us
Canada and the us are the 2 and 3 biggest country's in the world
korea is pea size compared to the us.
Compared to a 'phone booth, yes. Compared to Canada, no.
my testies
about 18 inches
They are small compared to other planets but big compared to us.
Very big indeed
The United States is the third largest country in the world by land area, after Russia and Canada. In terms of population, the United States is the third most populous country, after China and India.
267 million people more live in the US then canada...