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More sun and less rain has killed some types of food. They can't grow because they don't have as many nutrients as some of the other crops.

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Q: How as migrations influenced food in Spain?
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The Basque language, spoken in the Basque Country in northern Spain and southwestern France, is considered least influenced by the Indo-European migrations. It is a language isolate, meaning it has no known relatives, and its origin and structure are not related to the Indo-European language family.

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A similarity between Bantu migrations In Africa and migrations of the ancient Aryans into South Asia is that both moved?

They both moved in search of additional food sources. Answered by- Erickson A.

Why regions language was least influenced by the indo European migrations?

The Basque language was least influenced by the Indo-European migrations because the Basque people have a unique linguistic and cultural heritage that predates the arrival of Indo-European languages in Europe. Basque is a language isolate, meaning it is not related to any other language family, and has survived in the isolated mountainous region of the Pyrenees.