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Q: How are senators and representatives chosen for Georgia?
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How are senators and representatives chosen?

By the states

How many senators and how many representatives does the state of Georgia have?

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How many representatives does Georgia have in the senate?

Georgia State Legislature has 56 Senators.

Who are the two georgia senators?

The US Senators from Georgia are Saxby Chambliss and John Isakson. Georgia has a total of 16 members in the House of Representatives.

Congress is made up of the?

House of Representatives (435 representatives) chosen through proportional representation. Senate (100 senators) chosen by equal representation, 2 senators for each state.

How many Representatives and Senators did the state of Georgia have based on the 2000 census?

Each state has 2 Senators, regardless of its population. Based on the 2000 U.S. Census, Georgia had 13 Representatives, up from 11 before the census. Based on the 2010 census, Georgia still has 13 Representatives.

Members of the House who are chosen by the entire population of a State are known as?

Senators are the members of the House that are chosen for a state's entire population. Representatives are chosen to represent a portion of their state.

How often senators and representatives chosen?

a senator can serve for 6 years [a term] and a represtative for 2 years

How many state senators does Georgia have?

There are 2 senators-Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Isakson.

Who elects senators and representatives?

Senators are elected by the citizens of each state through a direct popular vote. Representatives are also elected by the citizens of each congressional district within a state through a direct popular vote. This process is outlined in the United States Constitution, specifically in Article I, Section 2 for representatives and the 17th Amendment for senators.

How many Senators and representatives does Florida have?

2 Senators and 25 Representatives

Senators and Representatives are elected by a?

Senators and Representatives are elected by a