Europeans are described as being white skinned, have different languages and culture, are from the continent of Europe, and were much more advanced than the Iroquois. Iroquois are a group of Native Americans, are described as being red skinned, have a different language and culture, and are from the continent of North America.
Iroquois were also one of the groups of Native Americans allied with Europeans. They were friends of the British, and even fought alongside the British in the Seven Years' War and the American Revolution. Many adopted the English language and culture as well.
Prior to the arrival of the Europeans, the Iroquis developed a confederation to?
The Hurons were allied with the French and the Iroquois were allied with the British
The French,Indians,(hurons, Iroquois),Europeans,and Dutch
Various aboriginal tribes includings the Hurons, Iroquois, Algonquins and Crees.
They were both located in Northern North America.
Algonquins lived in Wigwams and Iroquois lived in long houses. They both had smoke holes for cooking.
Different size families
For many years, fighting raged among the Europeans and their Indian allies.
For many years, fighting raged among the Europeans and their Indian allies.
For many years, fighting raged among the Europeans and their Indian allies.
For many years, fighting raged among the Europeans and their Indian allies.