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Japan is a country and Europe is a continent. Europe has about 50 countries in it. They are all different from each other and all very different from Japan. They are different in so many ways such as language, culture, food, geography, history, people, nature and so many other ways that it would be impossible to list them.

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Q: How are Europe and Japan different from each other?
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No. Germany and Japan are two different countries, a long way from each other.

How was the economic development of western Europe during the cold war years different to that of japan?

Japan signed a peace treaty with the United States to regulate their devastating economy after the war, they were then trading partners and eventually compete with each other in the global economy.

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No.Korea is not part of japan. japan and korean have different culture and language. They are different people. So,Before thousands years ago,they have been independent each other.

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Europe, Canada, and Japan are each completely in the northern hemisphere.Argentina, Australia, and Antarctica are each completely in the southern one.

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You could not say that either northern or southern Europe is better than the other. Each has their good and bad points and different people like different things.

Are Europe and Asia far from each other?

No, they're not far from each other, they border each other.If you might have meant Europe as "Western Europe" (France, Rome, Britain, Spain)and Asia as "the Far East or the Orient" (China, Japan, Korea)--then, yes. The Far East and Western Europe are a huge distance from each other, but Europe borders "the Near East" also known as the Middle East, which is in East Asia.The border between Asia and Europe is through the Istanbul Strait, along the Black Sea, through the Caucasus Mountains, the Caspian Sea, and North through the Ural Mountains in Russia.But; No, Europe and Asia are not far from each other.Europe and Asia are on the same tectonic plate; Eurasia, but the significant cultural, historic and linguistic differences make them different "continents", as the idea of continents was developed long before the discovery of tectonic plates.

How are europeans different from each other?

Every country has a language, history, and culture of it's own. This includes Europe.

Why is it a problem that so many different languages are spoken in Europe?

when others are trading they dont know what each other are saying

Where are Scotland and Japan located?

Nowhere near each other is the obvious answer. Scotland is at the top of the United Kingdom, which is off the coast of Europe. Japan is several island off the coast of Eastern Asia (South Korea being the nearest country) in the Pacific.

What animal represents US and Japan?

The United States and Japan are two entirely different countries, and since that is the case, either country has different animals that represents each country. For instance, the Bald Eagle represents the United States, and the crane or the fish (or some other animal) represents Japan.

What make mouses different from each other?

they are different to each other

Were there any Nazis in Japan during World War 2?

Both Germany & Japan maintained Liaison Officers in each other's countries to maintain coordination with each other.