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they joined the allied powers.

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Q: How Italy betrayed Germany and Italy in World War 1?
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What countries comprised the Axis Powers in World War 2?

Japan,Italy,Germany, and Soviet Union till Germany betrayed them.

What country was aligned with Germany during both world wars?

During the First World War, Germany was allied with the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and Italy. Italy later changed sides in the war. During the Second Word War, Germany was originally allied with Italy, Japan, and the Soviet Union. Germany later betrayed the Soviet Union in 1942. Nazi Germany also established pro-Nazi puppet governments in Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria and Slovakia, and Japan established a puppet government in Thailand.

Who invaded France during World War 2.?

Germany and Italy

France was invaded by during World War 2?

Germany and Italy

By attacking austria may 1915 Italy did what?

In May, 1915, Italy declared war on Austria-Hungary. This act brought them into World War I on the side of the Allies. Italy had previously joined an alliance with Germany but changed sides when the Allies promised to give them control of territory they wanted badly.

Who was Italy with in world war?

World War 1: At first, Italy was in alliance with Germany and Austria- Hungary, but then later on, when war has developed it became neutral. World War 2: Italy was with Germany, both of these countries were nazi countries.

When World War 2 began Japan sided with .?

When World War II began, Japan sided with Germany and Italy.

What were the three major allies of Germany during World War 2?

the three major allies for germany was japan, italy and soviet union.... but soviet union went to the allied powers after hitler betrayed stalin (soviet union)

Who were the member of the axis power in world war 2?

Italy, Germany, Japan

In World War 2 who were Britain in war with?

germany,italy and japan

Was Italy a part of world war 2?

Yes, Italy was part of world war II. Italy, Germany and Japan were partners called the Axis.

Which countries fought on Germany's side in World War 1 but against Germany in World War 2?

Italy and Turkey.