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Human nature is narcissistic. It's selfish and self-involved... both naturally and to the extreme. It's loving and caring about and for others that's the real lesson man needs to learn in this life. This is what man needs to learn in order to live together for Eternity.

As for God... according to the biblical evidence, He's allotted mankind 6000 years to learn the hard-won lessons of life; both the blessings and the negatives of our sins [the breaking of the Ten Commandments - I John 3:4] and all the other character-building effects of life's trials and tribulations.

If God is calling an individual to Know and Understand His Truth... then He will "deal" with that individual and train him up and discipline him regarding His ways:

"...'My child, don't ignore it when the LORD disciplines you, and don't be discouraged when He corrects you. For the LORD disciplines those He Loves, and He punishes those He accepts as His Children.

"As you endure this Divine Discipline, remember that God is treating you as His own Children. Whoever heard of a child who was never disciplined? It God doesn't discipline you as He does all of His Children, it means that you are illegitimate and are not really His Children after all... God's discipline is always right and good for us because it means we will share in His Holiness.

"No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening - it is painful! But afterward there will be a quiet harvest of Right Living for those who are trained in this way. So take a new grip with your tired hands and stand firm on your shaky legs. Mark out a straight path for your feet. Then those who follow you, though they are weak and lame, will not stumble and fall but will become strong." (Heb.12:5-13 NLT New Living Translation)

But the vast majority of mankind, regarding that same allotment of 6000 years... God is not "dealing" with them -- yet. If He isn't calling them out of the world, then they are not His Children, and He has a "hands-off" policy regarding them for now. The god of this world has blinded them to God's Truth and Divine Discipline. Yet, the law of "cause and effect" affects us all in one way or another. These are the natural, automatic results of our selfishness, "narcissism" or any other way we may be, or of any of the things we do. It all results in some sort of automatic response, reaction or consequence from which we learn a lesson of some kind or other; beit a good lesson or a bad one.

In other words... LIFE DEALS WITH EACH OF US.

Narcissism is selfish human nature. And we all have to deal with it ourselves in one way or other... sooner or later. We all have to learn to overcome it... in Christ. That's why God has His own way of "dealing" with His Children:

"We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they are good for us - they help us to endure. And endurance developes strength of character in us, and character strengthens our confident expectation of Salvation. And this expectation will not disappoint us. For we know how dearly God Loves us, because He has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with His Love." (Rom.5:3-5 NLT)

God "deals" with the uncaring, selfish "narcissists" He calls out of the world the same way He deals with all of His Children -- He reveals Himself to them by awakening the slumbering, blinded, Satan-deceived spirit within them... He grants them by His Grace [unmerited pardon] the ability to "repent" of their sins... and He blots them out [forgives them] and begins to correct, train and discipline them in the "Newness of Life": in the Selfless, Giving, Caring Righteousness of His ways; as Christ gave us His example.

"With My Authority, take this message of Repentance to all the nations, beginning in Jerusalem: 'There is forgiveness of sins for all who turn to Me.'" (Luke 24:47 NLT)

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