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Body Piercing facilities are inspected by the local health protection and inspection office and are licensed by the local city hall business licensing department. Listed in the yellow pages under heading of "Body Piercing" and or "Tattoos". All Body Piercing and Tattoo studios have age limits set by the licensing agency so age limits can vary from town to town and city to city. Prices for piercings can also vary from shop to shop as well as the requirements for parental consent. Your best bet is to call your local city hall business licensing office and ask about age requirements for your area. Then call the local studios listed and ask about shop policies and prices.

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Elnora Hickle

Lvl 10
3y ago
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14y ago

In Wisconsin you have to be 16 with a parent/gaurdian with you. Some people can get them done without approval by a guardian,depending on the place or if they know someone. Its not a big deal here. Its best to get it done by a professional in a sanitary place to avoid infections and insure a well done/clean piercing.

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12y ago

Currently, you must be 16 to get a piercing without parental consent, 13 with parental consent. New York's legislature is working to change that to 18 and over in order to get a piercing without parental consent.

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13y ago

Most places in NYC won't pierce you until your 18.Most won't even pierce your ear until you become a mature adult.But,from what i've heard you need to be 16 or if your under 16 then you need your parents with you.

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13y ago

Allows a minor age 18 or younger to undergo body piercing with the written consent of the parent, legal guardian or legal custodian and requires them to be present during the procedure. They must sign a document that explains the procedure and methods for proper care, present proof of age and attest in writing that they are the minor's parent, legal guardian or legal custodian. Amended in 2008 to establish an additional provision requiring parents or guardians to provide proof of guardianship or custody using specifically listed documents.

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15y ago

Well see prices and age limits change from city to city and state to state, so you are best to call your local body piercing studios (listed in the yellow pages) and ask about age limits and parental consent for your area and the cost for the piercing at the various shops you call.

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14y ago

my mate is 13 and he got his done at a piercing place so it probs depends on where you get it done

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13y ago

13 . But with a parent .

18 , without a parent .

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17y ago

Thanks to a fellow following his tribal practices in Atlanta, piercing was almost lost completely to Georgians, but a compromise was met and now you must be 18...Hope this helps.....

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Q: How old do you have to be to get lip piercings in Minnesota?
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thurmont tattoo you have to be 15 or 15 and a few months

What does it mean to get your lip periced?

It means to adorn your lip with body jewelry. Namely lip piercings.

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Monroe piercings can be numbed using a freeze spray on the outside of the lip and an oral numbing spray on the inside of the lip.

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Does Jake Pitts have lip piercings?

No he don't

What is a bear trap piercing?

It's the combination of the Angel bites (double upper lip) piercings and Snake bites (double lower lip) piercings.

How old do you have to be to get your lip pierced with your parent or guardian in Minnesota Minneapolis?

Call a studio and ask!

What are angel bite piercing?

two upper lip piercings. (one on each side of the lip.)

Can coldsores infect lip piercings?

no, but it might make it hurts if the coldsore is near the lip piercing.

Is it possible that a lip piercing can be a labret to?

Labret can be used to describe any lip piercing but it's most commonly used to reer to center lower lip piercings. Labret post jewelry can be worn in any lip piercing and even ear piercings.

How many piercings does Kerli have?

Inked Magazine reports that the she has 7 piercings: "two in her lip, one nose, one eyebrow, her tongue, below her lip, and one nipple." She often wears beads under her eyes, but they are not real piercings.