Approximately 9hrs
The distance between Santa Cruz and San Francisco is about 73.3 road miles.
To get to Santa Fe from Mexico City; or, to get to Mexico city from Santa Fe . . . perhaps . . .
23 hrs 34 minutes
About 3 hours, maybe a bit more, but it is a nice drive.
the mileage is around 325 miles from san francisco to santa Barbara
The distance between Santa Fe, NM, and Nashville, TN, is 1,210 miles and will take about 17 Hours 49 Minutes of driving time.
The driving distance between San Francisco, CA and Santa Fe, NM is 1158 miles. The driving time would be approximately 18 hours 30 minutes if driving non-stop in good conditions. (The driving time does not take into consideration conditions such as weather, road work and rush hour traffic in urban areas.)
4 and 1/2 hours
About six hours.
Santa Rosa, CA is 55 miles north of San Francisco.
The driving distance from Mexico City, Mexico to Santa Fe, New Mexico is 1407 miles per MapQuest. The driving time per MapQuest is 25 hours and 50 minutes.