You pay it.
Generally, the judgment holder will give back a document of some sort that gets recorded in the same office as the judgment was recorded. In NJ the document is called a Warrant of Satisfaction. It acknowledges that the judgment has been paid in full and been satisfied and that the judgment may now be removed as a lien. In other states the name of the document may be different, but the process is generally the same.
You can appeal or accept the judgement.
If there was no final judgment there was no divorce.
*Bangs my gavel... the judgment is...three be gone....
A default judgment is nothing more than a judgment obtained because defendant did not show up for court. In Texas, when a default judgment is entered, the petitioner gets all that they have asked for.
The standard two letter abbreviation for the state of Texas is TX.
The former owner of the car, now still owner of the DEBT, gets to pay the debt. The leinholder will likely get a judgment for the balance due and proceed to collect. Uless your name is 'turnip", you will pay.
The judgment creditor must be paid in full according to the terms of the judgment order. Most judgments are renewable and can remain on a credit report indefinitely until paid.
== == Yes they can. Happens all the time.