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Q: Has anyone ever been on Antarctica before?
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Did anyone ever see a whale in Antarctica before?

Whales are sea animals and are common in the waters off the Antarctic continent.

Was antarctica ever joined to another country?

No, Antarctica has always been "public property". Anyone may explore it. Though International laws prevents you from taking it over.

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Jennette McCurdy has never been dated before, EVER.

What are the famous wars have involved Antarctica?

Antarctica has not ever been involved in war.

Which city was the largest on Antarctica?

There is no city -- nor has there ever been a city -- in Antarctica.

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What is the native from antarctica?

There is no native population on the Antarctic continent, nor has there ever been such.

Has there ever been a fire in Antarctica?

No, Antarctica is a continent dedicated to peace and science.

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What does 'Have you been with anyone' mean?

Well it could mean have you ever had a boyfriend or it could mean have you ever had sex with anyone

What war was fought in Antarctica?

No war has ever been fought on the Antarctic continent, sorry.