The rate of 1 gram 916 gold making charges is Rs.1494. Charge amount usually depends on the design of it. Wastage is usually none and one place to get 1 gram 916 gold is Hall Mark.
The price of gold today per gram in Singapore is $63.30 for 916 purity of gold, and $70.10 per gram for 9999 purity.
A dollar
1000 mg = 1 gramso 1000 mg of gold is equal to 1 gram of gold.
Gold rate as of 10 nov.08 is 90 SAR for 1 Gram. Equals to 900 SAR for 10 Grams.
1 Gram = 1/31.1034807th ounce of gold
Gold is selling in Pakistan for 4,462.80 rupees per gram at 22 karat. The international gold rate in USD is $1755. This is slightly down from its recent high about a month ago.
1 pawn Gold/ 1 soverign Gold = 8 gm of gold.
1 gram
There are 1,000,000 micrograms in a gram. This is indiscriminant of what the material is. i.e. it could be gold, lead, water etc.
1 gram
Hecto gram would be larger