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Q: Greek mythology son of Daedalus whos wings burned from getting to close to the sun?
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Related questions

What is the symbol for Daedalus in Greek Mythology?

The Greek letter delta is Daedalus' symbol. Δ

Who were Daedalus and Icarus in Greek mythology?

Daedalus is the father of Icaurs. Icarus in Greek mythology was to escape the Crete by the means of wings his father Daedalus created with feathers and wax.

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Who designed wings for humans in greek mythology?


Who designed the labyrinth?

In Greek mythology, the Labyrinth was designed by the inventor, Daedalus.

Who was the person that flew to the sun with Daedalus in ancient Greek Mythology?


Who was the Athenian architect in Greek mythology?

Daedalus was the Athenian architect from Greek Mythology. He was given his craftsmanship by Athena, and created things such as the great Labyrinth.

Who invented wings in Greek mythology?

I believe it was Daedalus, who gave the wings to Icarus

When did Daedalus die?

Greek mythology does not have dates, so there isn't one. Date, I mean.

Who in Greek mythology was an Athenian architect who built the labyrinth in Minoan Crete?

Daedalus built the labyrinth.

What has the author Marilyn Coffey written?

Marilyn Coffey has written: 'A Cretan cycle' -- subject(s): Ariadne (Greek mythology), Daedalus (Greek mythology), Minotaur (Greek mythology), Poetry 'Marcella' -- subject(s): Accessible book

Who was the cleverest inventor of the Greek mythological world?

I suppose this is a matter of opinion, but Daedalus is widely recognized as the best inventor of Greek mythology.