There are good and bad social effects of tourism. A good effect is that there will be money to spend on public facilities and festivals. A bad effect is that the city may become overcrowded and lead to increased crime.
If you want to help the bad effects then you need to encourage the tourist industry do more of them.If you want to prevent the bad effects then you need to encourage the tourist industry to do less of them.
the bad affects are waste levelscoming to a huge high whereas they are also good because the income is huge for shops.
tourism have kill a lot of peolple and is a bad thing that is happening right now at mexico and no body can't help
good effects of metals
mechanical energy good effects: no waste Bad Effects: over use can harm
Good effects - It can keep you entertained Bad effects - You may become a weeaboo
It depends on who your asking, for some it is good and some its bad.
It depends on who you ask.
Tourism has a few good and bad impacts. Some of the good are that it results in more jobs, makes the economy better and it is a chance to meet new people. A few of the bad things are inflated prices, noise and privacy issues.
the good effects on a estuary is the amountof animals and plants it gets. the bad effects are when the animals harm the estuaries and when the water is harmful in the ocean
It depends on who you ask.