

Best Answer

The Chief Executive

Ghana National Chamber of Commerce & Industry

2nd Floor Adabla Plaza, Oroko Street, Kokomlemle

P.O.Box 2325 , Accra - Ghana

Tel. 233 (0)21-7012780 , 233 (0)21-7012781

Fax. 233 (0)21-255202



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Q: Ghana chamber of commerce and industry address?
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Kumbi Saleh was the capital of what?

Kumbi Saleh was the capital of the ancient African kingdom of Ghana. It served as a major trading center and hub of commerce during its peak.

Is this UK street address No 12 spintex Road accra Ghana?

Accra is the capital city of Ghana.

What does a ghanaian drink?

most likely rum, as they have a flourishing rum production industry in Ghana

What has the author Bonnie Ann Pounds written?

Bonnie Ann Pounds has written: 'Ghana' -- subject(s): Commerce, Economic conditions

What is the official website address of the president of Ghana?

You can find the official site in the related link.

Where can you buy a human hamster ball in for Ghanaian Cedi?

You may be able to find human hamster balls for sale in Ghanaian Cedi on e-commerce websites that deliver to Ghana. Additionally, you can check with local toy stores or outdoor recreational stores in Ghana to see if they sell human hamster balls.

The capital of the Ghana Empire was?

The capital of the Ghana Empire was Kumbi Saleh. Kumbi Saleh was a major trading city located in present-day Mauritania. It was a thriving center of commerce and culture during the height of the Ghana Empire's power in the medieval period.