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Q: Found in protruding eyes at the top of their heads what mammal's pupils are T-shaped so that it can see equally well above and below water?
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Found in protruding eyes at the top of their heads what mammals pupils are t shaped so they can see equally well above and below water?

This unique eye structure with T-shaped pupils is found in the four-eyed fish (Anableps). These fish have adapted to live near the water's surface, allowing them to simultaneously see above and below the waterline to detect predators and prey.

What mammals pupils are t shaped?


Are eyes of a fish same as an human eye?

No. Normally human eyeballs have their pupils behind their iris so that the eye can adjust to light but fish eyes have their pupils protruding through the iris so that it cannot adjust its eyes to light.

What animal doesn't have rectangular pupils?

Goats. Also octopi. But octopi aren't mammals. Right?

What is the least number of art paper that can be divided equally among 2 3 or 4 groups of pupils?

If you need to give each pupil an equal number of full sheets, then the minimum for 2,3,or 4 pupils is 12.

Why is our chihuahuas pupils enlarged?

If you mean why are your dog's ocular globes protruding, that is a genetic inherited characteristic of the race. However, if you are asking why your Chihuahua's pupil is excessively dilated, you should take it to your veterinarian for an examination. This can be a sign of brain damage, nerve damage or muscular damage in or around the eye.

If your pupils are not dilated what are they?

The opposite of dilated pupils is constricted pupils.

possessive form of pupils?

Pupils'. When you have a plural possessive, then the apostrophe goes after the s. If a pupil owns something, that is the pupil's stuff. If pupils collectively own something, that is the pupils' stuff.

Why do owls pupils get bigger?

Owl's pupils get bigger because there pupils react to movement and light causing them to enlarge there pupils.

What is possessive form of assignment of the pupils?

The possessive form of "assignment of the pupils" is "the pupils' assignment."

Unjumble the letters sisuuppllpip?

pupil slipups, pupils slipup, pupils pupils, slipup pupils

Do your pupils get bigger or smaller when they are dilated?

Dilated pupils are bigger, and constrictred pupils are smaller.