The flight time from Martinique to Los Angeles International Airport is about 7 hours, 36 minutes.
Around 6 hours the last time i took the flight.
About 2.5 hours.
The flight time from Newark, New Jersey to Greece is approximately 10 hours and 9 minutes long. The actual flight distance is 4,826 miles or 7,767 km.
2 or 3 hour flight
14hr 05min Newark Liberty (EWR) to Delhi (DEL) by a nonstop flight operated by Continental Airlines.
The average flight time is 6 hours, 28 minutes. This is only an approximation and flight times are likely to vary. Your airline will provide you with a flight time when you book a flight.
The flight time is approximately 6 hours, 22 minutes.
The flight time is approximately 6 hours, 22 minutes.
approximately 5 hours
2 hrs
2 hours 11 minutes