11 to 13 hours depending on jet stream directions.
No flight itinerary is available from China to Cuba.
The flight distance from Xian, China to Hangzhou, China is 713 miles / 1,147 km
The flight distance from India to China is 1,995 miles.
The flight time from Chile to China is about 24 hours, 2 minutes.
The flight time from Shanghai, China to Xian, China is:2 hours, 1 minute
The flight time from Los Angeles in the US to the nearest airport in China is approximately 13 hours and 38 minutes. The total distance is about 11124.40 km or 6912 miles. The flight time is approximate. Factors such as weather conditions could alter the length of the flight.
15 hours
Civil Aviation Flight University of China was created in 1956.
The flight time from Louisiana (LA) to China is about 15 hours, 30 minutes.