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Q: Farmers in the western Pennsylvania protested in the?
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Farmers in western Pennsylvania protested taxes in the?

whiskey rebellion

Farmers in western Pennsylvania protested taxes in?

whiskey rebellion

What occurred from 1792-1794 when farmers in Western Pennsylvania protested government policies that they felt threatened their livelihoods?

Whiskey Rebellion

Why is Washington so surprised that the uprising came from the Pennsylvania farmers?

A taxed placed on whiskeybecause farmers in western Pennsylvania rebelled against the taxbecause farmers in western Pennsylvania rebelled against the taxType your answer here

Who started the whiskey rebellion?

Farmers in western Pennsylvania started it.

What was unfair about the whiskey rebellion?

What was unfair about the whiskey rebellion was that the western farmers from Pennsylvania were taxed on whiskey but the other farmers were not!

What caused farmers in western Pennsylvania to revolt during the whiskey act?

the farmers rarely had cash causing povierty

What was the armed protest of western Pennsylvania farmers in 1794 called?

the Whiskey Rebellion

Why Washington did the whiskey rebellion?

because farmers in western Pennsylvania rebelled against the tax

Who objected to paying a special tax in western Pennsylvania?

The Farmers objected to paying tax

What broke out in 1792 when farmers attacked tax collectors in western Pennsylvania?

The Whiskey Rebellion broke out in 1792 when farmers in western Pennsylvania rose up against the tax on whiskey imposed by the federal government. The farmers felt unfairly burdened by the tax and saw it as a threat to their livelihood. The rebellion was eventually put down by federal troops sent by President George Washington.

What was it called when President Washington sent troops to western Pennsylvania to crush protest by farmers?

The Whiskey Rebellion of 1794.