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The Sadducees split off from the Pharisees around 200 BCE. The movement was made up of the priests and aristocrats of Jewish society. The did not accept the validity of the Oral Torah and believed in a strict, narrow, and unchanging interpretation of the written Torah. Examples of some beliefs they rejected are: immortality of the soul, the resurrection of the dead, and the existence of angels. They were Temple centric and would sometimes buy their way into the office of High Priest. Even though they took such a narrow view in regard to Torah interpretation, they were strong assimilationists in terms of society and adopted the ways of Greek culture. The Sadducees died out with the destruction of the Second Temple.

The Pharisees believed that HaShem gave the Jews both a written and an oral Torah, both of which were equally binding and both of which were open to interpretation by rabbis. Pharisees were devoted to the study of Torah and the education of all people, regardless of status in society.

The Pharisees detested hypocrisy and actively sought it out and criticized it whenever they encountered it. Examples of this hatred of hypocrisy can be found in the Gemara in Sotah 22B with several caricatures. They strongly denounce the pious man who cared more for his own purity than for human life; for the young woman who's overly zealous in her devotions; the widow who showed of her religious observance; and to the self-appointed Torah decisors who lacked the knowledge and qualifications to do the job.

The Pharisees were the only movement to survive the destruction of the Second Temple and were the ancestors of modern Judaism.

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Q: Explain the nature and relationship between the sadducees and pharisee Who was superiorand how did they conduct themselves in Irael during the time of Jesus?
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What is the singular possessive and plural for pharisee?

The singular possessive form of "pharisee" is "pharisee's," and the plural form is "pharisees'."

How did one become or qualify as a Pharisee or Sadducee etc?

The Pharisees and Sadducees were Jewish religious and political organizations. A person did not become a Pharisee or a Sadducee unless one informally converted from the other (or another sect of contemporaneous Judaism). This is similar to how one would change from being an Anglican to an Episcopalian or the reverse. A further similarity is that membership in these groups was typically passed from father to son. This was certainly more prevalent in the Sadducees where knowing your ancestry was critical to proving why you should have membership in the group. (Sadducee is in Hebrew Zadoki (צדוקי) from the name of the High Priest during King David's time Zadok (צדוק). All Sadducees claimed be part of the Cohen-line, but specifically were the cultural heirs, if not genetic heirs, of Zadok.) The Pharisees had, for wont of a better term, more open admission. The Pharisaic movement was a populist movement, incorporating local traditions and practices into Judaism. It argued that the Sadducees were no longer traditional and had been corrupted by their power to abrogate the tradition, while the people retained the religion amidst their poverty. Those who held this view, could join the Pharisees and their religious view. The Pharisees, like the Sadducees, and even Jesus himself on occasions, viewed non-Jewish inhabitants of Roman Palestine with disdain. These inhabitants included the Samarians and Arameans. These peoples could never become Pharisees or Sadducees.

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Saul of Tarsus, later renamed Paul, was a member of the Pharisees, one of three groups almost akin to political parties in the USA. The Sanhedrin were a council of 71 leaders, including the high priest. The council was made up of both Pharisees and Saducees, and probably some Essenes; these form the three groups mentioned above. Acts 23:6 has Paul, arrested and on trial before the Sanhedrin, admitting that he is a Pharisee and the son of a Pharisee. The Bible doesn't explicitly say that he had been a member of the Sanhedrin, although his familiarity with the council shown in the same passage, along with the term "Brothers" used in 23:1-6, may imply that he had been a member. See the Related Links "ChristianAnswers: Sanhedrin," "ChristianAnswers: Pharisee," and "ChristianAnswers: Paul" to the right for more information.

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To be honest, I think it was more of a case of 'Why Did The Pharisee's Not get on with Jesus?' Or is it the same thing?

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He mentioned 'Pharisee' three times in the gospels when he spoke.

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A Pharisee was a member of an ancient Jewish sect that promoted strict adherence to the Torah and Jewish traditions. In modern language, the term "pharisee" is often used to describe someone who is self-righteous or hypocritical in their religious beliefs or practices.

What rhymes with heresy?


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A Pharisee

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Paul became a Pharisee during Jesus' time. He was actually born a Hebrew of Hebrews, which made him a Pharisee from birth. Paul was one of Jesus' Apostles.