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my uncle is an anesthesiologist, told me his salary in Dubai is very low around 30000 DHS per month but there are no taxes in Dubai or abudhabi so the money you get is yours :) , his travelling to USA to get around 300,000 $ which is 1104000 DHS but in USA with taxes that could be the half of that 150000 $ , 552000 DHS this is for a year , per month the salary would be 12500$ and 46000 DHS =) that's all :P hope u understand xD

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โˆ™ 13y ago
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โˆ™ 10y ago

An anesthesiologist in the city of Dubai can expect to make a minimum of about $350,000 per year. If sponsored by a large hospital, the amount could be twice that much.

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Some of the physical requirements for an anesthesiologist are having good vision, hearing, and be able to work long hours. An anesthesiologist be detail oriented and be able to handle stress.

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no there isnt

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What letters follow anesthesiologist?

An Anaesthetist or Anesthesiologist is a Doctor therefore it's MD. He/She went to Medical School and then specialized in Anesthesiology. An Anesthesiologists' name is usually written out as follows: Dr. Jane A. Doe, MD Anesthesiologist