Depending on where you're located, Just take Interstate 5 South from Los Angeles and drive approximately 2 to 2.5 hours until you reach the international border which is the end of I-5, just south of San Diego, Ca.
About 135 miles.
The driving distance between Los Angeles and Tijuana is 135 mi - about 2 hours 15 mins and up to 3 hours 40 mins in traffic.
About 135 miles on the I-5; two to three hours driving time.
What is the driving distance form los angeles to santa maria ca
The driving distance from Atlanta, GA to Los Angeles, CA is 2,180 miles.
The driving distance is 22 miles.
The driving distance is 123 miles.
The driving distance from Las Vegas, NV, USA to Los Angeles, CA, USA is 270.71mi / 435.66km
The total driving distance from Tacoma, WA to Los Angeles, CA is 1,106 miles.
To Las Vegas, NV. from Los Angeles, CA. it would take about 4 hours.
The driving distance is about 38 miles.
The driving distance is about 13 miles.