about 90 miles
The driving distance is 164 miles.
The driving distance between Sorrento, Italy and Paris, France is approximately 1660 km. The driving time would be approximately 15 hours 45 minutes if you were to drive non-stop in good driving conditions. (The driving time does not take into consideration conditions such as weather, road work and rush hour traffic in urban areas.)
405978654 metres exactly. Walked it a while ago.
Distance: 591 km (about 7 hours 58 mins)
The driving distance from Florence, Italy to Venice, Italy is 258km
The driving distance from Como CO, Italy to Dongo CO, Italy is 30.4mi / 48.93km
The driving distance from Lanciano, Italy to Ortona, Italy is 14 miles / 23 km
The driving distance from Pisa PI, Italy to Rome, Italy is 230.68mi / 371.25km
The driving distance from Genoa, Italy to Florence, Italy is 145 miles / 233 km
The driving distance from Todi, Italy to Rome, Italy is 85 miles / 137 km.
The driving distance is about 488 km