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As with the southwester region of the United States, the northern states in Mexico, the countries of the Sahara, and towns that border the Atacama desert in South America, in short as with all desert places of the world, water is ridiculously expensive. When I used to be a Muslim, a Saudi I knew bitterly complained that in Saudi Arabia "oil is cheaper than water." Many Saudis are bitter because, although the government there has invested in desalination plants, they haven't done enough, nor have they even looked into newer technologies. Saudi Arabians drive fancy cars, but they're thirsty, so its hard to enjoy those fancy cars let me put it that way. Just how precious is water? Some of the most beautiful modern luxury homes in existence, are the ones from Mercer island in Seattle Washington. The reason they are so nice, is because Seattleans LOVE Japan, or they tend to anyway, and all things Japanese, thus, a lot of the luxury houses there combine western with zen architecture, creating a really beautiful look. The "zen" style of house design I believe had its origins in Seattle Washington, among wealthy people it has become all the rage, they love it because its beautiful, yet simple. Imagine, if someone just GAVE YOU a place like that to live but there was one catch; there was no fresh watere ANYWHERE. Would you live there? Its the most beautiful house in the world why not? See? That is why many Saudi Arabians, generally dislike their own country; although the Al-Saud monarchy has untold trillions in their coffers, they do not invest ANY of that in water. What good is having a high government stipend, and a near luxurious, "spoiled rotten" living standard if water is expensive as hell? The biggest problem in the near east throughout its history from ancient times until now, and in all actuality the main cause behind most of its wars, has been water. No sooner did Israel dump raw sewage, among other wastes, into the water supply of Palestinians, that the Arabs started firing katoosha rockets at them. Someone does that here in America, its just a lawsuit, do it in the near east though and someone will try to kill you. One of the things the Al-Saud are infamous for, is their extravagant water fountains. Obviously, all over the world, one of the ways the wealthy show off their wealth is by displaying goods that are difficult to get. In Japan for example, there are plenty of cute, and sometimes, drop dead gorgeous women, thus, a man with a beautiful woman in his arm is nothing special. Now, a man with a beautiful white BLONDE in his arm, HE, is successful. Obviously blondes don't exist in Japan, so they, well, kind of stand out. Does water cost anything in Israel or Jordan? Hold out your arm for me *pulling out a machete here* *SWIPE!* There; here's a water bottle for you half full. Okay its not THAT bad but, just giving you an idea.

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Q: Does water cost anything in Israel Jordan or Syria?
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· Jordan River (Israel, Jordan)

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