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Q: Does the toll road in California take pictures of the front of your car?
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How do you take pictures of a solar eclipse?

looking threw telescope or binoculars and spot the moon, put your camera in front of it and take pictures.

Where can one find pictures of the Beatles crossing Abbey Road?

take a trip to londons abbey road and have a walk through the abbey road cafe and other tourist places and there will be many pictures of the beetles crossing.

Road Trips And The Best Digital Camera?

Going on a road trip can be a fun experience. You'll want to pack the best digital camera, so you can take good pictures. Pull over on the side of the road to take pictures of the scenery. The best digital camera will take photos that are much better than the photos taken with your cellphone. Take the time to learn how to take good pictures with your digital camera. The more you learn about photography, the better your road trip images. Even the best digital camera won't take good pictures, if it's not operated properly. Experiment with the digital camera's functions, and practice taking pictures before your road trip. The skill of the photographer has a lot to do with taking quality photos.

What is the best route to take from California to Iowa?

go west on the road or take a plane

Is it ok to take pictures in front of the Eiffel tower with a gown dress on?

Why in the world not? It's a favourite place for wedding pictures.

What is the backdrop that celebrities take pictures in front of at awards shows?

it is called a step and repeat

How do you put pictures on a Wii?

Just take pictures taken by a digital camera (on an SD card) and put it in the slot on the front of the Wii. You can save pictures on an SD card with your computer.

My ex boyfriend posted semi-nude pictures of me on myspace. what can i do im in California and legal action i can take?

Post those pictures online, and let us see them. Then we can make a determination if you can take legal action.

Where can one take part in off road racing?

In the United States, one may take part in off road racing in Parker, Arizona, Caliente, Nevada, and Henderson, Nevada as well. Other races take place in Lake Elsinore, California, Tooele, Utah and San Bernardino, California.

Can you take pictures with the ipod touch 4?

Yes you can take pictures on the ipod touch 4 as it has two cameras, one on the back with a lower resolution camera on the front for video chat and photographing your own face.

Can you take pictures with the NOOK?

Yes. The new Nook/Galaxy Tab comes equipped with a front & rear camera.

Why are there Two Giants Boots in front of the North Star Mall?

The Two Giant Boots sculpture outside North Star Mall in San Antonio, Texas was created as a landmark and iconic symbol for the mall. The boots are a larger-than-life representation of the cowboy culture that is prominent in Texas, and serve as a unique and memorable photo opportunity for visitors.