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Q: Does the basic travel allowance apply to citizens of the United States?
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I am a United States citizens do i need a passpost to travel to jamiaca?

yes u have to have a passport to travel anywhere out of the united states

Is basic travel allowance needed to travel in Australia from Romania?

It is not necessary a visa for the citizens of Australia to enter in Romania.

Is Lunn Poly used frequently by Americans and citizens of other countries?

Lunn Poly is not frequently used by American Citizens because it is primarily at chain of travel agents based in the United Kingdom. There are much more well known travel agencies in the United States that Americans use.

Where in the Constitution are citizens guaranteed the right to travel to other states?

No place in the constitution is that addressed. There is no need. Even in the 1700's people went where they wanted. This is called the "United States " not the separate states.

What is the average daily meal allowance nationwide?

The average daily meal allowance nationwide in the United States is about $35. This is the amount that truck drivers are allowed to take as a deduction on their taxes when they are away from home. Some companies may allow more or less for their workers that have to travel.

Do states have power to discriminate against the citizens of other states?

No, the Privileges and Immunities Clause of the 14th Amendment states, 'No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States...' It has been interpreted as guaranteeing the right to travel to other states and to move there.

Do states have the power to discriminate against citizens of other states?

No, the Privileges and Immunities Clause of the 14th Amendment states, 'No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States...' It has been interpreted as guaranteeing the right to travel to other states and to move there.

Is there a basic travel allowance fee in Ukraine?

There is no basic travel allowance fee in Ukraine.

Is an American required to have basic travel allowance when leaving Nigeria and flying back to the states?

yes it is true .

Is the 3 year old needs passport to travel from California to Chicago by plane?

No. Passports are not required for US citizens to travel by air within the United States.

Is there a basic travel allowance in turkey?

is there a basic travel allowance required in turkey for first time flyers

Is a passport required for entry into Canada from the United states?

For US citizens No, but you would still need it anyway especially if you would like to travel by plane. It is best to keep it with you