John Wesley Snyder - Texas - was born on 1837-06-21.
John Wesley Snyder - Texas - died on 1922-04-15.
There are about 850 miles between Snyder, Texas and Mobile, Alabama.
130 miles
It is 81.6 miles according to Google Maps.
It is now located on 1902 37th Street Snyder, TX
Western Texas College is located in Snyder, Texas.
Yes, Texas does have mountains. The Guadalupe Mountains in western Texas are the highest peak in the state, reaching over 8,700 feet. Other notable mountain ranges in Texas include the Davis Mountains and the Franklin Mountains.
There are a few very small town around Snyder, such as Dunn, Ira, and Hermleigh. Sweetwater in about 30 minutes away.
The address of the Scurry County Museum is: 6200 College Ave, Snyder, TX 79549-6105
Going via Sweetwater, Abilene, Comanche, and Temple, your halfway point between Snyder and Caldwell, Texas, is on TX-36 just west of Comanche, Texas.
mountains and basins landmarks in Texas. Texas in laix0ig