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I believe the predominant belief in Iran is Muslim in nature. But it is very likely that there are a few Christians, although they would be the minority.

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Do Iran people believe in god?

There are approximately 77, 891, 220 people living in Iran. To say that the people of Iran do or do not believe in god would be incorrect because it is impossible to categorize the beliefs of the people of a whole country as being the same. The most common religion by far in Iran is Muslim but there are small minority groups of other religions like Christianity and Judaism. While saying that all the people of Iran believe in god would be judgmental, but by looking into the statistical information of religions in Iran, it is not too far off to say that the majority of people in Iran believe one god or another depending on their beliefs.

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The population of Iran is 70 millions of people. The population of Iran is 70 millions of people.

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Due to Iran's nuclear activities. Western countries believe that Iran wants nuclear weaponsto the right. We do not want a nuclear Iran, he said.

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Of course not!!! what kind of question is that? anywhere in the world Iranian society is one of the most educated communities! never judge the people of a country by their government as the country might be ruled by dictatorship ok?

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